Friday, April 15, 2011

Scarey nights and poor food choices

Last night was a bit of a scary one.   My two year old was having trouble breathing and when the ventolin inhalers didn't work, I called Healthlink BC to speak to a nurse as I wasn't quite sure what to do.  My four year old had gone through this the night before, but not quite as badly and I needed a little guidance.  We ended up in the ER.  With his oxygen level low and his breathing laboured we got to do all the fun stuff - nebulizer treatments, blood tests, xrays, rsv test (even tried flushing fluid up a crank, tired sick two year old kid's nose and sucking it out the other side - poor technician) and more nebulizers.   We got to go home around 1am with plans to take him to his doctor this morning.

All in all, I have to say they were great at the hospital.  I felt so sorry for the gentlemen in the bed next to us, though.  Emergency is a tough place to be as a patient when you've got screaming kids in there.  

We pretty much know now that he's got asthma, so a plan to get him stable and keep him there will be needed.  We'd suspected but this was the first full blown issue we'd encountered.  Even my older son who is the poster boy for having it all never ended up like this - close, but not quite.

When I'm in the middle of things, I manage to stay focused.  It was all about my son, asking the right questions, comforting him, helping them do the tests by being calm and caring and holding him steady.  Later, after we were home and I got him to sleep, it was all about feeling a little scared by what had happened, followed by a cup of tea (I'm British born, after all) and a generous helping of Cadbury mini-eggs.  (spoiling my  perfect day of eating - although really, I missed dinner so maybe they don't count?)
I think, when we are stressed, we tend to reach out for stuff that just plain makes us feel good.  I'm not saying this is a great thing - but seriously, carrot sticks weren't cutting it for me at 2am last night. I stayed home today to take him to the doctor so I will make something healthy for us for breakfast once he wakes.  And I'll make a good lunch for the two of us, and dinner for us all. Thankfully my parents kept my older boy overnight so I can just focus on the baby today. I do go to my first Zumba class tonight, handing the reins over to Daddy.  I think he'll be ok by then.  If not, well, I'll cross that bridge if it happens.  He comes first. 

It's been a bit of a rough week. I injured my back last week and it's gotten worse.  After my chiropractor visit, I'm feeling a bit better and even my hand (nerve pain happening) was feeling better, but then I ended up carrying a heavy two year old and I think maybe it's hurting again.   I'll be heading into the weekend carefully.  My exercise was interrupted, and may only be the yoga on Tuesday and tonight's Zumba if I make it.  But that's ok.  I have 8 weeks with Ally from Total Body Revolution (she's sticking with us to help us stay focused now that the challenge part of mommyfit is over) and I'll just have to work harder for the next 7 to attain my goals.   Life happens, and you go with it.  Even when it's scary, even when it takes you off track.  I'm learning you can always refocus and move on.


  1. just as you said...Life happens, and you go with it....
    You are doing an awesome job Jackie!
    So proud of you!

  2. Jackie - a common "cure" for asthma in this part of the country is to get a Chihuahua (dog). The chihuahua will take away the asthma. At least that is the general consensus. Just thought I would pass that on. I hope both boys will feel better (and mom too!)

  3. Thanks Roma! And Susan... too funny, but actually it may have some merit as some studies have shown that exposure over time can limit the reaction to dogs and they are little. But um.. hmmm.. :-) gotta love the wives tales and wonder where they came from.

    we are feeling better today, but the boys have RSV so we are staying home and getting well.
