Monday, June 25, 2012

Biannual Blogathon Bash Completed

It was a crazy weekend, but I made it through.  I blogged for over 34 hours!  Well, actually I worked on my blog for that long, only some of it was actual writing.  And now... drumroll please... I am so happy to announce that Savvy Suburban Mama is up and running!!   I am just over the moon about it.  It was hard work, as I was learning how to do a few things that I'd no clue about before - but I did it and I'm so proud.   I invite you to come on over there and follow me.  I'll be moving all my writing time to the new blog over the next little while, and I'd love to have you with me.

I'll write more later, but I wanted to put an update here since I'd started the weekend kickoff over on this site. 

Have a fabulous day!!!

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